Beto’s Character Flaws

A candidate’s character is always a good topic for discussion during election campaigns, and El Paso congressman and Democrat candidate for U.S. senate Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke’s character should be no different. It should be carefully examined by Texas voters as they get ready to vote in November.
How a person responds to adversity and/or to problems they create, as well as how they present themselves in public, says something about them. O’Rouke’s past can give voters a peak into his character and what kind of senator he will be.
In 1995, O’Rourke, was arrested in El Paso County for illegal trespassing and jumping a fence at the University of Texas at El Paso. He was released on bail the next day, but he says it was a youthful mistake and not a major crime. However, it was serious enough for him to be arrested and detained.
In 1998, he was involved in a far more serious incident. O’Rourke was arrested for drunk driving and for trying to flee the scene of an accident.
O’Rourke says he was not convicted in either case, and the DWI charge was dismissed after he completed a program the following year. But both arrests, particularly the DWI, are not simple indiscretions. The DWI could have resulted in someone being killed.
Then there’s the question of how O’Rourke presents himself in public and on the campaign trail. He uses the name “Beto” in his campaign against Senator Ted Cruz, as he panders to Texas’ Hispanic voters.
However, O’Rourke says he has never suggested that he’s a Latino. In a March 2018 interview on HBO with Bill Maher, O’Rourke said his heritage was, “Pretty Irish.”
If that’s the case, the “Beto” name is pure political pandering and it is misleading. It reveals more about O’Rourke’s character and how he willing misrepresents himself to win an election.
O’Rourke also recently cancelled a planned debate with Cruz claiming the Cruz campaign was trying to dictate some aspects about the debate format. Again, this seems to be more evidence of O’Rourke’s immaturity and insecurity (or wisdom) in facing Cruz who is an intelligent, mature, and superb debater.
Of course the liberal Texas media has tried to use a “race card” doesn’t even exist by pretending that Cruz is concerned about O’Rourke’s non-existent Hispanic ethnicity. That’s “fake news” at its best.
A note to the Texas and national news reporters: O’Rourke is Irish, not Hispanic, and the only thing Cruz and Texas voters should be concerned about, are O’Rourke’s character flaws.
O’Rourke has been arrested twice, including for a serious DWI incident where he tried to flee the scene of an accident. He also has a campaign that race baits and purposely misleads voters by pretending he is Hispanic.
O’Rourke appears to lack maturity in shouldering the consequences of his personal actions, while trying to promote himself as something he isn’t.
In the rough and tumble world of national politics, Texans need a senator who is confident and who prepared to accept the consequences of their personal and political actions. Ted Cruz has repeatedly stood on his personal and constitutional principles against both Democrats and Republicans, and shown he is not afraid of the consequences. Texans also need a senator who is a constitutional scholar, and who does not need to mislead voters and citizens about his race, ethnicity, or gender.
Texas needs Ted Cruz.