Repeat Offender Violence Continues

It has been less than six months since the George Soros-funded Bexar County District Attorney Joe Gonzales was criticized for the number of repeat offenders who engaged in shoot-outs with the San Antonio police. Yet there have been two incidents in the past five days where violent repeat offenders who were out on bond again attacked and were shot by police officers.
On Thursday morning, Jan. 18, a traffic stop on the 700 block of East Southcross Boulevard and Mission Road on the south side ended in gunfire when police fatally shot 42-year-old Jeavon Harper. He was stopped by police and refused to cooperate. An officer saw Harper had a weapon in his hand, and a physical altercation ensued. The officer fired one round at the suspect and hit him in the chest.
Local news organizations reported Harper was on probation. Still, according to SAPD sources, Harper was out on bond for an October 2023 case for evading arrest in a motor vehicle while waiting for indictment at the time of the shooting.
Harper had been charged nine times before, including aggravated kidnapping and aggravated robberies. He had also been booked on multiple counts of felony drug charges and theft.
On Tuesday, Jan. 23, another man with an extensive criminal history and out on bond was shot by San Antonio police in a violent confrontation on the South Side on the 5900 block of South Flores. This is yet another case of a violent criminal repeat offender out on bond after the George Soros-funded Bexar County District Attorney Joe Gonzales had promised to address the issue of violent repeat offenders.
Officers were called for a welfare check after someone had called in a tip that a woman had been killed by her boyfriend or husband. Police arrived at the residence to find the woman dead, and while they were there, the suspect showed up and rammed into a patrol unit.
The man then pulled out a shotgun and fired at an officer standing outside the patrol vehicle. Seven officers returned fire, striking the man and killing him.
The suspect, in his 40s, remains unnamed. He had a criminal history with ten arrests, several of which were for violent crimes. He was out on bond after being charged with making terroristic threats.
SA Police Chief William McManus confirmed that none of the seven officers were injured. He said the man killed by police had an extensive history of violent criminal offenses and was out on bond.
“Officers did exactly what they should have done,” MacManus said. “They followed their training, defending themselves against deadly force.”
Police are still working to gather more information about the woman’s death.
The George Sorors-funded District Attorney Joe Gonzales continues to endanger the public by releasing and prosecuting violent and dangerous repeat offenders.
Not only are dangerous repeat offenders free, but police officers involved in shootings are reassigned to desk duties pending an investigation of the shooting. This reduces the number of officers available on the street to protect the public.
Bexar County and San Antonio citizens are in danger as long as the anti-police, George Soros-funded D.A. Joe Gonzales is in power.