San Antonio: The City You Deserve?


San Antonio is ranked among the worst-run and dirtiest in Texas and the nation, along with a growing illegal alien homeless population. SA Mayor Ron Nirenberg used the slogan, “The City You Deserve,” for his re-election campaign, and after seven years as mayor, is this the city San Antonio taxpayers and residents deserve?

San Antonio is among the worst-run cities in the nation.

According to a WalletHub study that analyzed and compared municipalities’ quality-of-life data against their annual per-capital budgets, San Antonio ranked No. 94 among 148 cities, the third-worst ranking in Texas.

WalletHub used data from six key categories to establish rankings: “Financial Stability,” “Education,” “Health,” “Safety, Economy-Infrastructure,” and “Pollution.” Researchers also used other metrics such as “credit ratings,” “high school graduation rates,” “average life expectancies,” “violent crime rates,” “unemployment rates,” and “traffic congestion.”

San Antonio also ranked the 101st-largest per-capita city budget and the nation’s 63rd-best quality of life.

Then there is San Antonio’s ranking as the 7th dirtiest city in the country.

LawnStarter, a lawn care service, compared 150 of the biggest U.S. cities across four categories: pollution, living conditions, infrastructure, and consumer satisfaction. They also included air quality indexes, homes with signs of mice or rats, water quality, homes with mold, and the number of junkyards in some measurements.

Houston took the top spot, while San Antonio was ranked 7th, ahead of other cities such as New York (No. 12) and Los Angeles (No. 15). Researchers found that San Antonio ranked 12th for living conditions, 34th for pollution, 39th for infrastructure, and 36th for consumer satisfaction.

KENS-TV News reported that more illegal aliens are seeking help outside the city’s Migrant Center, which is taxing the city’s resources. However, neither the city, the Migrant Center, nor the KENS rest of the local news media will state the obvious – why not stop routing illegal aliens through another town and shut the border down?

FEMA cut funding for San Antonio’s Migrant Resource Center in January, which ended air tickets out of town for illegal aliens. This lack of transportation, plus the constant crossing of illegal aliens at the border, has created the problem.

The City of San Antonio’s Department of Human Services said, “The City of San Antonio, in collaboration with non-profit partners, including Catholic Charities, continues to serve “asylum seekers” released by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security that are “legally traveling” through San Antonio to host city destinations across the country. Since January 2024, Catholic Charities and our partners have not had funds allocated or available to support onward travel for asylum seekers.” In short, the city is considering paying for the illegal aliens to travel on to their destinations.

Why should the city taxpayers help illegal aliens to travel through the country? Isn’t that “human trafficking”?

The “stranded” illegal aliens are adding to the homeless problems in San Antonio.

Illegal aliens crossing the border and arriving at the San Antonio Migrant Resource Center are now stranded because of the FEMA funding cuts and adding to the city’s homeless population.

Antonio Fernandez, CEO of Catholic Charities, said, “When you talk to them, it is like, ‘Yes, we crossed the border, and now we have no place to go. ‘I do not have the specific numbers, but I can tell you, yes, there is an increase from previous years.”

However, Fernandez does not suggest rerouting the illegals through another town or closing the border as a solution. Why? Because this “processing” of illegal aliens is a money-making venture for the “charity” organization.

Fernandez only focuses on more money. He has told the news media that the City of San Antonio will eventually have to consider intervening with cash. Interestingly, the news media does not question his views.

The illegal aliens are viewed as helpless victims, though they decided to come. The Biden Administration misled and did not plan or prepare for the tsunami of illegal aliens.

Now, the taxpayers pay the bills.

SA city council wants to expedite the process to fund abortion travel.

The City of San Antonio is gearing up to accept bids from service providers for a $500,000 fund to expand access to reproductive health care. The fund will include money for the Reproductive Justice Fund, which will pay travel costs for out-of-state abortions. It will also be used for other “preventative” services related to economic stability, contraceptives, and youth sex education.

However, why should taxpayers pay for “health” services for abortion and sex education of minors? Should public funding not go only to projects that serve all citizens and not just a special segment?

Most council members support the fund as proposed, and several want the city to expedite the process because they anticipate legal challenges.

And this is the city you deserve. Liberal and leftist policies have created these problems in San Antonio, and they plan to make them worse with the proposed city charter changes. San Antonio’s citizens and taxpayers need to speak up and vote.

George Rodriguez, El Conservador